ものづくりは、私の人生で最大の喜びであり、充足感の源です。 私はいろいろな素材を扱ってきました。絵を描くとき、様々な方法でマークをつけるのが好きです。染め、スプレー、転写、ステンシルを使って、雰囲気と空間感を作り出します。私の絵はアクリル絵の具などの水性の画材で描かれていますが、その上に油絵の具で形を描いたものもあります。
Making things has been the greatest pleasure and source of satisfaction in my life. I have engaged with a number of different materials. When I paint, I like making marks in a variety of ways; I use staining, spraying, transfer, stencil to create an atmosphere and a sense of space. My paintings are done with acrylic paints and other water-based media, and I’ve then painted shapes on some of them with oil paints.
The found object sculptures are made from various bits and pieces. I have put them together to make characters. It’s fun to find the personality in discarded objects and bring it out.
The figurative sculptures may suggest an alternative or dream reality. They are hand-built from porcelain, and painted with oil paints.
I am grateful that my life has allowed me to work so pleasurably with form and color.

Mixed Media on Paper 30" x 22.5"

Wire, thread, fabric, found objects 28" x 9"

Mixed Media on Paper 30" x 22.5"
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