20世紀以降、科学技術、産業などが飛躍的に発達、近代化の時代、産業化の時代といわれてきた。同時に人類の欲望は限りなく肥大化し、自然環境や生態系を壊し続けてきた破壊と愚行 の時代でもあった。行き過ぎた科学技術によって神の領域にまで突き進み、人間を支えてくれているもの、大宇宙、大自然、大いなる存在に対して畏敬の念を持つことや謙虚さも薄らいでいった。
Masami Yoshikawa : Since the 20 century, science, technology, and industry have developed rapidly, and it has been called the age of modernization and industrialization. At the same time, human desires grew limitless, and it was an age of destruction and folly that continued to destroy the natural environment and ecosystems. With too much science and technology, we have stepped into the realm of God, and we have become less in awe and less in humility of those who support us, of the great universe, of nature, and great beings. Thinking about these things, I create artworks with the theme of modern civilization every day.
アクリル、ガッシュ、岩絵具 、子供服 130 cm x 159 cm
アクリル、ガッシュ、岩絵具、鉄 83 cm x 124 cm
アクリル、ガッシュ、岩絵具、楠 62 cm x 52 cm x 4 cm
アクリル、ガッシュ、岩絵具 、子供服 130 cm x 159 cm
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